Binary Acts ~ 21 Apr 2017

Today, Mars departs Taurus and takes on the twins of Gemini. If there’s anyone up for and eager to perform double duty, it’s Mars.

Our current White House press secretary seems fond of retorting to challenges by saying, “It’s not binary.” In this context he refers to thoughts, concepts and causal “if, then” scenarios upon which political doctrine is or is not based. While he means it’s not black or white, one way or the other, there remains a level of physical science reality that supports such polarities. In computer electronics, a data bit is a one or a zero, and there is a subtle point at which zero becomes one in ascending measure, and where one becomes zero on the descending of a data wave. While there may be some arbitrary value point at which the switch occurs, the fact is, it still switches and it’s technically, precisely either “up” or “down.”

“You can’t have it both ways,” Saturn in Sag smiles as he muses upon such thoughts. Saturn’s correct. This is intended to be an “it’s a one or a zero” era. Nothing is arbitrary. One way or the other. Best option is to pick decisively and to ensure that the pick stands supported by all background philosophies. Deliberate. Pick. Be consistent. Be thorough. Align acts with thoughts for the ultimate in universal responsiveness.

A decision process derived from solid dogmas works well as the substrate for Mars in Gemini. In the upcoming six weeks or so, there is a lot to be done. Priorities must be evaluated, examined and considered with triage assessment criterion such that ideal choices predicate action to follow. Of course, this is the time in which the impulsiveness of Mars instinctively precedes the thought process. Best to react from a clear state of mind. Best to remain in the moment and sentiently responsive to all factors in the environment - especially while attempting to do two things at once, and/or shift and react to priorities in the blink of an eye. At least that’s what jugglers in the circus report.

For the next 10 to 12 days, Mars reacts to an x-ray burst from galactically inter-paired clusters of black holes in Virgo and Sagittarius. True, this point of origin is tense, oppositional, confrontational, reactive, a fan of knee jerk impulses to Mars’ current digs. The x-ray burst in question lasts 283 seconds in length. Like any well-used x-ray, a glance at what lies inside can be illuminated.

Knowing what’s happening internally is a good thing. Know your motives. Know your likely reactions. Know where in your consciousness your reactions originate and respond accordingly. Are the reactions conscious, subconscious, unconscious, preconscious or super conscious? Doesn’t matter which. Each stratum of consciousness insists upon an appropriate reaction of causal response.

Percolation goes a long way to ensure optimal results. Given the duration of the x-ray blast behind this transit, apply it well. Take four minutes and 43 seconds to sit back and let all new input and information find it’s way through the initial reaction process. Develop possibilities for permutations. Keep in mind that Mars, like electrical polarities, responds to physical laws, or so implies the laws of Sir Isaac Newton. For every action there is an equal and opposite reaction. For every two actions there could be multiple reactions with derivative spin-offs

Think consequentially, and if you remain cognizant of the fact that our time keeper Saturn transits opposite Mars (exact opposition on May 29th) during the sign spectrum of this Mars motion, think long term. Everything done affects the moment of doing and every doing in everything that occurs thereafter. Sounds karmic. It is.

In the next days, Mars squares the lunar nodal axis. The lunar nodal polarity works to set a tone of collective karmic involvement. With Mars square the north node in Virgo, the axiom is pristine and simple, notwithstanding complicated in the choice corner. Pick well, do the right thing and do it perfectly - or to reduce stress, apply optimal conscious effort to any energy expenditure.

A rule of threes applies to Virgo, which does confuse the on/off binary mentality of Gemini. Virgo seems hell bent on making sure that all data is considered in the perfect decision-making effort. One more data point might do the trick, especially if uncertainty or doubt interfere with instant, prompting hesitation.

As the old saying goes there’s a wrong way, a right way, and my way, the government’s way, the honcho’s way. Take a moment or nearly five minutes worth of moments to decide which approach serves your ultimate end game best.

There has to be a point when things get done. Gemini is about declaration. After deliberation declare you are done, without second-guessing after the deliberation. There’s refinement. There’s over tweaking. There’s tampering with something that functions optimally in the moment. When it’s done in the current iteration, promulgate. Sure, revisions might happen in the future. However, ensure happenstances that bring about improved versions are well thought through and reduce the need for hurried patches and fixes.

Most important, Mars in Gemini benefits from applying the listening part of the communication duality. If action is underway while listening to another individual’s commentary or opinion, then the action defies receptive intake of advice, counsel, suggestion. Of course, sometimes if one listens too much while performing a task that requires mundane attention and the application of cogent mental processes, then sometimes the do it again thing might happen. Annoying to be sure, and more, frowned on by Saturn who favors redundancy only in systems like aircraft hydraulics and cloud back ups.

By the way, the x-ray pulse mentioned above originates in an x-ray eclipsing binary pulsar.